We’re committed to improving our ecosystems, quality of life, and communities for the better.
Our passion and commitment to the integration of innovative science and engineering drive us to exceed on behalf of every client.
The Marshfield 8 Dam is a historic run-of-the-river dam located on the Winooski River. The Vermont Agency of Natural Resources (VT ANR), acting on behalf of the private owner who was concerned with its deteriorating condition, contracted Princeton Hydro to complete sediment management planning, engineering design, and permitting for the removal of the dam.
Princeton Hydro conducted a detailed site investigation, sediment probing, and hydraulic modeling to develop a site-specific sediment management plan and engineering design. The plan utilized field data, and hydrologic and hydraulic modeling to address the geomorphic response of the existing impounded reach and consequences of downstream sediment transport. In addition, Princeton Hydro proposed long-term monitoring measures to assess geomorphic changes and to inform future dam removal designs led by the VT ANR.
During the planning process, Princeton Hydro coordinated with a historic preservation firm to research and document historic uses of the site. In developing the design, Princeton Hydro coordinated with the adjacent landowner to design bank stabilization measures that incorporated the landowner’s concerns, as well anticipated shear stresses and channel adjustment post-removal. Princeton Hydro also performed construction oversight during the implementation of this project.
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