We’re committed to improving our ecosystems, quality of life, and communities for the better.
Our passion and commitment to the integration of innovative science and engineering drive us to exceed on behalf of every client.
Preservation New Jersey honored Princeton Hydro, Clarke Caton Hintz, and Hx2 Development with the New Jersey Historic Preservation Project Award for the outstanding work to restore Roebling Wireworks and create Princeton Hydro’s new Trenton headquarters.
The project, designed by Clarke Caton Hintz and constructed by Hx2 Development, successfully converted the historic Roebling Carpentry Shop (Building 110) located in Trenton’s Wirerope District into a cutting-edge office space while preserving key elements of the original building’s character.
Princeton Hydro is recognized as one of New Jersey’s Top Workplaces of 2024!
The Top Workplaces program, an annual employer recognition endeavor fueled entirely by input from employees, is considered the nation’s most credible employer recognition program. Winning a Top Workplaces award serves as a testament to a company’s people-first ethos and validates a company’s dedication to creating work experiences that unlock potential and inspire performance.
Geoffrey Goll, PE, President of Princeton Hydro, was honored with the “Catalyst for Sustainable Change” Award from Hold High the Torch, a nonprofit dedicated to advancing STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education. This award recognizes Princeton Hydro’s exceptional contributions to advancing environmental education and inspiring future generations.
New Jersey Future awarded the Musconetcong Island Park project with a “2024 Smart Growth Award.” Princeton Hydro partnered with Musconetcong Watershed Association, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Township of Bethlehem, and Harrington Construction to demolish an abandoned two-story concrete block laboratory and convert its staircase and footprint into an accessible riparian park space that enables fishing, wading, paddling and hiking in Bethlehem Township.
NJDEP Commissioner Shawn M. LaTourette presented the City of Lambertville with the NJDEP “Our Water’s Worth It” award, recognizing Lambertville’s commitment to improving stormwater management, addressing flooding, protecting local waterbodies, increasing storm resilience, and mitigating the impacts of climate change. Princeton Hydro is proud to support the City of Lambertville in its stormwater management initiatives, working closely with the city to design projects that not only mitigate flooding but also enhance the surrounding natural environment.
The Musconetcong Island Park project – for which Princeton Hydro partnered with the Musconetcong Watershed Association, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Township of Bethlehem, and Harrington Construction – earned the American Planning Association of New Jersey’s 2024 Great Places in New Jersey – Great Public Space Award for transforming an abandoned site into a riparian park.
Dr. Fred Lubnow, Senior Technical Director of Ecological Services at Princeton Hydro, was honored with the prestigious Peter Homack Award by the American Water Resources Association, New Jersey Section. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the multi-disciplinary understanding and management of New Jersey’s water resources.
The Society of American Military Engineers Mid-Maryland Post presented Princeton Hydro Project Manager & Ecologist Duncan Simpson, PWS with the President’s Commendation Award for his efforts in advancing the objectives of the organization, his commitment to SAME’s Leadership and Mentoring Program, and his outstanding contributions as a young professional.
Princeton Hydro’s Headquarters has been chosen as a winner of the 2023 New Good Neighbor Award for our role in revitalizing Trenton’s historic Roebling Carpentry Shop located in the city’s Wirerope District. Presented by New Jersey Business & Industry Association and its flagship publication New Jersey Business Magazine, the New Good Neighbor Award recognizes commercial development projects throughout New Jersey that contribute to economic growth while being aesthetically pleasing and promoting sustainably.
Princeton Hydro has been honored with the 2023 Small Business Award by the Society for American Military Engineers (SAME) NJ Post. This accolade celebrates the firm’s commitment to advancing the objectives of SAME, fostering collaboration among government and industry leaders to address crucial national security infrastructure challenges.
Readington Township received the ANJEC “2023 Environmental Achievement Award” in the Environmental Commission category. The project that achieved award recognition, done in partnership with Readington Township and Princeton Hydro, involved the development of New Jersey’s first interactive Environmental Resource Inventory (ERI) in digital format, paving the way for a more modernized, easily accessible, and highly functional resource.
Lake Hopatcong Foundation received the prestigious New Jersey Governor’s Environmental Excellence Award in the Environmental Education category for its innovative floating classroom program.
New Jersey Future awarded the Lion’s Gate Park and Urban Wetland Floodplain Creation project with a “2022 Smart Growth Award.” Princeton Hydro served as the ecological engineer to Bloomfield Township and designed the 4.2-acre wetland restoration.
The Delaware and Raritan Canal Nonpoint Source Management Project was chosen for the New Jersey Section of the American Water Resources Association’s 2022 Excellence in Water Resources Management Award. Several partners, including Princeton Hydro, had a role in the project.
The New Jersey Highlands Coalition presented Princeton Hydro Vice President Mark Gallagher with a Lifetime Achievement Award. The award recognizes an exceptional professional career and/or lifetime of work spent protecting the environmental, cultural, natural, and scenic resources of the State of New Jersey, in particular in the New Jersey Highlands.
The New Jersey Chapter American Society of Landscape Architects awarded the 2021 Landscape Architectural Chapter Award to the Miry Run Ponds Master Plan project, developed by Princeton Hydro and Simone Collins Landscape Architecture for Mercer County Park Commission.
North American Lake Management Society honored Lake Hopatcong Foundation and the Lake Hopatcong Commission with a joint “Lake Management Success Stories Award,” praising the work they do to protect Lake Hopatcong and prevent harmful algal blooms. Princeton Hydro nominated them for the award.
Princeton Hydro was recognized by the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters with the first-ever “Sustainability Award.”
given to the Linden Blue Acres Green Infrastructure and Floodplain Restoration by the New Jersey Section – American Water Resources Association (NJ-AWRA).
The Iowa Court and South Green Living Shoreline Project in Little Egg Harbor and Tuckerton, NJ was awarded the “Best Green Project” by Engineering-New Record. As a subcontractor to T&M Associates, Princeton Hydro led the sediment sampling/testing and hydrographic survey.
Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve’s “Land Ethics Award for Best Large Scale Project” given to American Littoral Society and Princeton Hydro for “Designing & Implementing Green Infrastructure in Ocean County Park” which improved the health and water quality of the Schoolhouse Branch and the North Branch of the Metedeconk River and Barnegat Bay.
awarded by the New Jersey Society of American Military Engineers to Dana Patterson for her efforts in maintaining and advancing the objectives of the organization.
Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve “Land Ethics Award of Merit” given to Middlesex County Office of Parks and Recreation, Princeton Hydro, and the Project Team for its remarkable restoration achievements at the Pin Oak Enhancement Project.
New Jersey Highlands Coalition honored Dr. Stephen Souza, a Founding Principal of Princeton Hydro, with a Lifetime Achievement Award during its 4th Annual Golf Outing
The North American Lake Management Society awarded the 2018 “Lake Management Success Stories” Award to the Deal Lake Commission. The award was accepted by Princeton Hydro, the 30+ year lake managment consultant.
The New Jersey “Governor’s Environmental Excellence Award” in the Water Resources category was awarded to American Littoral Society for their Clean Water, Beautiful Bay projects in Barnegat Bay, of which Princeton Hydro was contracted to design and implement four of the projects.
The New York State Federation of Lake Associations Board of Directors awarded Dr. Stephen Souza, Founding Principal of Princeton Hydro, with its highest honor
Presented by Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve to Princeton Hydro and GreenVest, LLC for their restoration work at the Mullica River Wetland Mitigation Site
New Jersey Section – American Water Resources Association presented the “Excellence in Water Resources Management” Award to Pin Oak Forest Restoration to Princeton Hydro, Green Trust Alliance and the Project Team.
presented to Geoffery Goll, President by the Musconetcong Watershed Asssociation
North American Lake Management Society’s “2017 Lake Management Success Stories Award” received by Dr. Steve Souza, Founder
Award from The American Society of Civil Engineers for work on the Barnegat Bay Green Infrastructure Project with American Littoral Society
U.S. Small Business Administration Emerging Leaders Initiative Certificate received by Geoffrey Goll, President
Award for work on the Musconetcong Watershed Association Hughesville Dam Removal Project
Department of Interior Secretary Sally Jewell visit and press conference featuring successful Hughesville Dam Removal project in New Jersey
Corps of Engineers Day External Partnering Team Award for work on the NJ Intra-Coastal Water Way (NJIWW) Dredging and Avalon/Stone Harbor Thin-layer Placements
Watershed Stewardship Award to Stephen J. Souza, PhD
City of Trenton – Stream Daylighting and Floodplain Creation Project
Peter Homack Award to Stephen J. Souza, PhD, for his Outstanding Contributions toward a Multi-Disciplinary Understanding and Management of Water Resources in New Jersey
Project of the Year Award – Rehabilitation of Mountain Lakes Dams – Princeton Township
Quakertown Preserve Dam Removal and Riparian Wetland Restoration
Lake Management Society for the Stephen Foster Lake and Watershed Improvement Partnership awarded to Fred S. Lubnow, Ph.D.
The Magic Marker Redevelopment site in Trenton, NJ (stream daylighting and restoration component)
Award for the Walnut Brook Stream and Wetland Restoration
Award for Healthy Ecosystems for the Walnut Brook Stream & Wetland Restoration, NJ
Award, John A. Miller, PE, CFM, CSM from the New Jersey Association for Floodplain Management for Outstanding Leadership in Issues Related to Floodplain Management in New Jersey
Award for the Pennswood Village Stormwater Management System from Villanova Urban Stormwater Partnership, awarded in concert with Wells Appel and Pickering Corts and Summerson
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