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The New York State Federation of Lake Associations (NYSFOLA), in collaboration with Syracuse University Environmental Finance Center, hosted a four-part, educational webinar series on a variety of topics related to lake management. The goal of the webinar series was to bring together people involved with New York’s lake associations, as well as local government leaders to discuss management tips, understand more about their lakes and watersheds, and explore strategies around improving and protecting New York lakes.
The series concluded on July 23, 2020 with a webinar lead by Chris L. Mikolajczyk, CLM, Senior Project Manager, Aquatics of Princeton Hydro, and Jim Cunningham, NYSFOLA Board Member and the Town of Nelson, NY Supervisor.
In the webinar, titled, “Working with Local Government to Improve Lakes and Communities,” Chris presents a unique initiative lead by the Borough of Ringwood, which became the first municipality in the state of New Jersey to take a regional approach to private lake management through a public-private partnership (PPP) with four lake associations.
Chris provides an overview of The Borough of Ringwood, home to several public and private lakes, which took an active role in the management of its natural resources within multiple watersheds. He explains how the project came together and illustrates why a comprehensive, integrated approach to watershed and lake management is an incredibly important strategy to improve water quality for millions of people and reduce potential future incidents of aquatic invasive species and harmful algal blooms.
During Jim’s portion of the presentation, he discusses the role of local government in lake management and provides examples from projects and initiatives in Madison County, New York. To watch the recording of this webinar, click here.
The webinar series also included presentations about choosing the right liability insurance for a nonprofit organization; turning resource management-related conflicts into opportunities; and understanding lake science and water quality management. To access all of the webinars in the series, go here.
The New York State Federation of Lake Associations, Inc. was founded in 1983 by a coalition of lake associations concerned about water quality, invasive species, and other issues facing New York’s lakes. Today, more than 200 lake associations across the state are members of the only statewide voice for lakes and lake associations. NYSFOLA also has corporate members and individual members who support our efforts.
Princeton Hydro is the industry leader in lake restoration and watershed management. We have conducted diagnostic studies and have developed management and restoration plans for over 300 lakes and watersheds throughout the country. This has included work for public and private recreational lakes, major water supply reservoirs, and watershed management initiatives conducted as part of USEPA and/or state-funded programs. For more information about our lake management services, click here.
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