We’re committed to improving our ecosystems, quality of life, and communities for the better.
Our passion and commitment to the integration of innovative science and engineering drive us to exceed on behalf of every client.
Michael McGraw is a Certified Senior Ecologist and Wildlife Biologist with over 20 years’ experience designing and performing custom ecological assessments and wildlife surveys. Projects span from compliance-based tasks for industrial and commercial developments to education, outreach and research within conservation and working lands in the United States and Canada. Some of his favorite projects include providing ecological assessments for site master planning, conducting research on regenerative agriculture, and performing long-term monitoring of ecological restoration sites. Some of Michael’s work on regenerative agriculture is documented in a film that can be found here. Michael enjoys teaching Avifaunal Ecology in the MES program at the University of Pennsylvania and serves on a variety of municipal and land trust committees.
Michael is a proud father of three amazing daughters and spends most of his free time in the woods, museums, or ball parks with his kids. He and his family also enjoy tending to their native plant gardens together.
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