We’re committed to improving our ecosystems, quality of life, and communities for the better.
Our passion and commitment to the integration of innovative science and engineering drive us to exceed on behalf of every client.
Prior to joining Princeton Hydro, Sean worked on a wide variety of civil and wastewater engineering projects including site improvement projects for multiple public schools to improve pedestrian and traffic safety and ADA compliance, development and maintenance of an asset management of a drinking water utility, several site development projects of existing schools for building additions and site improvements, construction observation and administration of the emergency restoration of a 80M GPD wastewater pump station devastated by Hurricane Sandy, and design and construction installation of recreation facilities such as basketball courts, tennis courts, pickleball courts, synthetic turf fields and running tracks.
Sean has a B.S. in Bioresource Engineering and a M.S. in Civil Engineering from Rutgers University. His Masters’ thesis focused on modeling the impact of sediment accumulation has on the hydraulic conductivity of porous concrete. Sean has been a professional engineer since 2011.
In his free time, Sean enjoys spending time with his family and friends and playing pick-up basketball.
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