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We are proud to announce that Princeton Hydro Aquatics Director Dr. Fred Lubnow and Founding Principal and Consultant Dr. Steve Souza have been appointed to the New Jersey HAB Expert Team as part of Governor Phil Murphy’s plan to enhance scientific expertise around water quality management and bolster the State’s response to HABs.
The 10-person team, consisting of certified lake managers and cyanobacteria experts, will provide guidance to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) on HAB prevention, treatment, and management for waterways throughout the state. The team is tasked with developing documents on best management practices; reviewing any proposed mitigation plans and technologies; reviewing water-quality data; and preparing a training workshop for NJDEP staff and stakeholders.
HABs are rapid, large overgrowths of cyanobacteria. These microorganisms are a natural part of aquatic ecosystems, but, under the right conditions (primarily heavy rains, followed by hot, sunny days), these organisms can rapidly increase to form cyanobacteria blooms. HABs can cause significant water quality issues, produce toxins that are incredibly harmful (even deadly) to humans, animals, and aquatic organisms, and negatively impact economic health, especially for communities dependent on the income of jobs and tourism generated through their local lakes. By appointing a team that will work solely on HABs in the state, New Jersey is taking proactive steps to combat the spread.
Dr. Fred Lubnow is Princeton Hydro’s Director of Aquatic Resources. His vast expertise includes aquatic and watershed management, restoration ecology, and algae ecology. He is regionally recognized as a HABs expert as he has provided management recommendations and services for over 100 lakes and ponds in the Northeast, including Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey’s largest lake.
“I believe the knowledge and experience I have gained over the last 27 years as an environmental consultant will be useful in addressing questions and problems associated with HABs and lake management in general. I look forward to contributing any way I can in addressing issues associated with HABs and lake management in New Jersey.”
Dr. Steve Souza, whose 30-year career has been dedicated to the restoration of lakes and ponds, is a founding principal of Princeton Hydro and nationally recognized lake expert and consultant.
“Over the past decade the public has become increasingly aware of HABs and the health and ecological impacts caused by HABs. Unfortunately HABs and the problems caused by HABs are not going away; they are only expected to get worse due to climate change related effects on storm events, increases in air and water temperature, and an expansion of the algal growing season. It is thus important for us to learn more about what drives HABs as well as the most successful and sustainable means of avoiding, controlling and mitigating HABs. I am very excited to be part of the NJ Sea Grant HAB Expert Team. Through this very knowledgeable group of scientists, educators, and lake managers we hope to learn more about the causes of HABs and even more about what we can do to prevent or lessen their occurrence.”
The full HAB Expert Team includes:
All of us at Princeton Hydro are looking forward to seeing the work the expert team will undertake to improve the health, quality, and safety of New Jersey’s precious waterbodies. And, we extend a big congratulations to Fred, Steve and all other experts appointed to the team!
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