We’re committed to improving our ecosystems, quality of life, and communities for the better.
Our passion and commitment to the integration of innovative science and engineering drive us to exceed on behalf of every client.
Earth Day and Arbor Day are right around the corner, and we’ve got a variety of upcoming events we’re excited about. The Princeton Hydro team is pitching in at Westchester County’s largest volunteer effort of 2021; presenting at virtual conferences; leading a professional education course on dam removal; and participating in events that celebrate environmental stewardship. Here’s a snapshot of what’s to come:
This year’s SAME Philadelphia Post Small Business Conference 2021, which will be held virtually, includes presentations, interactive breakout sessions, an open forum networking session, and live capabilities introductions from each participating SAME member. The mission of SAME is to build leaders and lead collaboration among government and industry to develop multidisciplinary solutions to national security infrastructure challenges. Princeton Hydro joined SAME as a sustaining member in 2018.
Westchester Parks Foundation and the Westchester County Parks Department will host its largest volunteer event of the year: “Pitch in for Parks.” Adhering to all COVID guidelines, volunteers will come together to celebrate Earth Day and pitch in to help paint, rake, prepare and plant native flower beds, clear trails and shorelines, clean rivers, restore wildlife habitats, and remove invasive vines in parks throughout Westchester County. Princeton Hydro’s Marketing Coordinator Kelsey Mattison participated in the event and exhibited with a variety of other event sponsors at Kensico Dam Plaza in Valhalla, NY on April 24th.
North American Lake Management Society (NALMS) is hosting its 12th Annual National Water Quality Monitoring Conference. This year’s conference, which will be held virtually, invites all water stakeholders to participate, including federal, state, tribal, and local water professionals, non-profits, academia, volunteer citizen scientists, and industry experts. Princeton Hydro is a proud sponsor of the event, and three of our team members are giving presentations:
This year’s conference, which is titled, “Freshwater Ecosystems: Learning to Coexist,” will be held virtually via Zoom. Participants will enjoy a variety of interactive educational sessions, panel discussions and a NY lake trivia contest. Princeton Hydro is a proud sponsor of the event, and our Aquatics Director Dr. Fred Lubnow is giving a presentation on “Management Activities to Prevent, Mitigate and/or Control HABs at Lake Hopatcong, NJ.”
During SAME‘s 2021 virtual North Atlantic Industry Day, participants will hear from government and industry professionals on procurement opportunities and current A/E/C trends in the North Atlantic Region. Experts from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Coast Guard and FEMA will present on a variety of topics including: COVID-19 related safety measures, sustainability in small business, government contracting evaluation and the latest trends and tips for landing government contracts.
The webinar series from the FEMA Region 2 Mitigation and National Preparedness Division explores how to expand the reach of mitigation activities by engaging more people and organizations from across the whole community beyond those typically involved in hazard mitigation. One webinar will be hosted each month on a variety of topics centered around “Guides to Expanding Mitigation.” The next webinar, being held on May 5, will focus on how to partner with community artists to communicate hazard risks and build a culture of preparedness.
Princeton Hydro is a proud sponsor of Choose Clean Water Coalition’s first-ever virtual Choose Clean Water Conference. The conference theme of A Changing Chesapeake will explore the ecological changes in the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed as well as the ways organizations are changing due to COVID-19. Along with a virtual exhibit hall, the conference includes a variety of breakout sessions covering topics like, “Empowering Diverse Communities to Take Action in Stormwater Management,” “People-Powered Restoration for Clean Water,” and “Driving Digital Change in 2021.”
Register now for the Rutgers Office of Continuing Professional Education two-day virtual course: “Dam Removal: Design, Planning, and Implementation.” Participants will learn about the technical aspects of dam removal, including the investigations and design of projects that both deregulate dams and provide river restoration and ecological uplift. This introductory, technical course includes presentations from Princeton Hydro team members: President Geoff Goll, P.E.; Director of Natural Resources Dr. Laura Craig; Director of Stormwater Management & Green Infrastructure Dr. Clay Emerson, P.E, CFM; Fluvial Geomorphologist Paul Woodworth, CERP; along with Dr. Steve Souza of Clean Waters Consulting, LLC and Beth Styler-Barry, Director of River Restoration, The Nature Conservancy.
“A New Global Trajectory: Catalyzing Change Through the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration” is the title of the Society for Ecological Restoration’s 9th World Conference on Ecological Restoration. Held virtually this year, the conference will bring together from around the world scientists, academics, researchers and experts from the fields of rehabilitation and environmental restoration, alongside practitioners and industry leaders to tackle the vast environmental challenges that we face today. The conference also includes virtual field trips; workshops, keynote, and plenary sessions; live discussion sessions and poster presentations; and networking events. Princeton Hydro President Geoffrey Goll, P.E. is presenting on “Removing Dams of the American Industrial Revolution in the Northeastern U.S. to Restore Natural Capital Against Climate Change.”
American Rivers and Stroud Water Research Center held a four-part webinar series celebrating the Delaware River, which was named “River of the Year 2020” by American Rivers for its progress in improving water quality, river restoration, and community revitalization. The fourth webinar, titled “Federal Protections for the Free-Flowing Delaware River,” featured presentations from a variety of experts including Alan Hunt, Director of Policy and Grants at the Musconetcong Watershed Association. If you missed any of the webinars, have no fear! They were all recorded in full and are available for viewing anytime.
Engineering With Nature (EWN) is an initiative of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that enables more sustainable delivery of economic, social, and environmental benefits associated with water resources infrastructure. An Atlas, Volume 2, which is set to publish in early April, showcases 62 project examples from the US and around the world demonstrating what it means to partner with nature to deliver engineering solutions. The virtual book launch ceremony was held on April 7, 2021 and included messages from LTG Scott A. Spellmon, 55th Chief of Engineers and Commanding General, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and other executives and leaders from organizations around the world.
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